Transform your holiday season with impactful gifting

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Plant trees for Christmas with Grow My Tree

Tree gifts extend beyond your giftees, positively impacting the environment and the communities in the Global South that plant them. Integrating them into your holiday celebrations is easier than ever:

Plant trees once

For Customers & Partners

  • Plant a tree for every order or transaction during the holiday season
  • Enclose a voucher for trees in your holiday greeting card
  • Show appreciation to your partners with a personalised tree certificate
Gift trees to others

For Employees

  • Honour your employees for their work with a personalised tree certificate
  • Collectively plant a Holiday Forest and share the spirit of the season
  • Giveaway vouchers for trees at your end of year party

Have your own ideas on how to integrate tree-planting into your holiday festivities?
Talk to us & we'll make it happen!

Contact Us

Proudly communicate your impact

We provide you with everything you need to send out your tree gifts & holiday messages:

  • Christmas-themed certificates for individuals or companies
  • Holiday hand-out vouchers for trees
  • Premium gift cards & envelopes printed on sustainable material
  • Or design your own digital greeting & incorporate our vouchers!

Companies that have already planted thousands of trees with GROW MY TREE:

Testimonials & Use Cases

Our partners share their experiences.

1 Tree forevery Policy

We are a small and highly specialised team in the field of commercial insurance with a focus on caregivers. For every policy we place for our clients, we plant a tree. Thus, we will plant more than 10,000 trees every year. This is good for our clients, good for GROW MY TREE, good for our group of companies and good for our employees and especially for their children.

1 Tree for everyProduct

As a young and innovative label that produces and trades wood products, sustainability is a major concern for us. Since we process the great raw material wood into beautiful and unique products, it is important to us to give something back to nature. With GROW MY TREE, we have found a partner with whom we can put this idea into practice. The tree certificate that we send with every purchased item is very well received by our customers.

Matthias Frei


Bäume für jedeFiliale

Für uns bei The Body Shop ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit von Beginn an ein Bestandteil unserer täglichen Arbeit. Unseren Mitarbeitenden GROW MY TREE Zertifikate übereichen zu dürfen und somit in ihrem Namen Bäume zu pflanzen passt deshalb zu 100% zu unseren Werten.

Julian Kötting

Head of Retail

1 Baum für alle Teilnehmerin

Wir heißen jeden Teilnehmer unseres Gewinnspiels mit einem Baumgeschenk willkommen, wodurch jeder von ihnen zum Gewinner wird!

Tino Goerke

Head of Marketing

1+ Baum pro Angestellter

Wir pflanzen jeden Monat einen Baum für jeden Mitarbeiter und ermutigen (mit einem Gutschein) jeden Mitarbeiter, mindestens einen weiteren Baum zu pflanzen. Gemeinsam können wir unsere Wälder für die Sicherheit unseres Planeten wieder aufbauen.’

Chris Donovan

Head of CSR and Int. Communications

1 Baum für allePaket

Sich um seine Umwelt zu kümmern und sich um seine Schönheit zu kümmern - es ist eine Win-Win-Situation, mit der jeder Kunde es möglich gemacht hat, einen Baum zu pflanzen. Einen Baum mit GROW MY TREE zu pflanzen ist eine tolle Initiative mit großem Erfolg!

Martina Blöchl

Director Marketing at JAFRA cosmetics

1 Baum für alleprodukt

"Chew me & plant a tree" ist die Mission unseres Unternehmens und wir freuen uns, GROW MY TREE als unseren Baumpflanzpartner zu haben!

David Jaeggi

Co-Founder TREE GUM

1 Baum verkauft beiAuschecken

Wir geben unseren Kunden mit jeder Bestellung direkt die Möglichkeit etwas Gutes für den Planeten zu tun, den sie lieben.

Matthias Hörmanseder


1Baum für jedes Interview

Unser Anliegen ist es insgesamt, den guten Gedanken hinter GROW MY TREE in den täglichen Austausch einzubringen. Wir pflanzen für jedes Interview mit einem Kandidaten und jede Vermittlung an einen Kunden, Bäume. Somit schaffen wir neben dem Nutzen für unsere Kundschaft gleichzeitig auch einen Nutzen für unsere Umwelt.

Andri Granziol

Managing Director and Partner

1 Baum für jede Bestellung

Als weltweit tätiges Unternehmen wollen wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden eine saubere Zukunft gestalten. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur klimaneutral, sondern klimapositiv zu werden. Deshalb spenden wir mit jeder Bestellung einen Baum.

Maik Schenk

Head of Web & Campaigns

Sustainability Networks & Partnerships

Since October 2021 GROW MY TREE has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

GROW MY TREE is a proud member of B.A.U.M. e.V. whose mission is to sensitize companies, municipalities and organizations to the concerns of preventive environmental protection as well as the vision of sustainable management and to support them in the ecologically effective, economically sensible and socially just implementation.

GROW MY TREE, as a green tech company, is always looking for new tech solutions and is in exchange with many universities as well as with the Greentech Alliance.

In addition, GROW MY TREE works with CarbonSpace, one of the most prominent players in the field of CO2 visualization of ecosystems, to constantly evaluate the CO2 values of reforestation projects and feed the values back to universities.

Why  gift trees with GROW MY TREE

Is your company looking to go green this Christmas?

GROW MY TREE provides you with an easy and affordable solution. All of our trees are planted through our expanding network of tree-planting partners in the Global South. When gifting trees with us, you’re also supporting local communities around the world and making a lasting difference!


Trees planted

+44.000.000 kg

~ Annual CO2 offset


Companies trust us
Tanzania team trip: March, 2022

Connect with us

To understand how we can best work together, please give us some information about  your request. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible and look forward to working with you!

Contact us!